Poulsen Trucks & Trailers ApS
Vrøndingvej 8A
8700 Horsens
Phone.: +45… Show
Hos Poulsen Trucks & Trailers ApS kan man købe både lastbiler, trailere, hestetransporter og trækkere. Virksomheden har mere end 40 års erfaring i branchen, og handler i hele verden. Poulsen Trucks & Trailers ApS og Poulsen Horsetrucks, og har et spændende varelager i Horsens, hvor de sælger både nyt og brugt, Poulsen Trucks & Trailers ApS er bl.a. forhandlere af Legras Benalu, Ekeri, Hangler og Krismar.
Vi er specialister, og kan hjælpe dig med at finde det helt rigtige transportmiddel, skræddersyet efter dine behov. Ud over at sælge maskiner, så tilbyder virksomheden også at købe brugte maskiner, der passer inden for deres sortiment.
Udover at sælge lastbiler og trailere, er Poulsen Horsetrucks en af landets førende inden for hestetransport. De sælger nye og brugte hestetransporter indenfor flere forskellige prisklasser, men altid i høj kvalitet, så transporten af hesten forbliver sikker. De har bl.a. samarbejdet om import af nye biler fra firmaet Krismar Horsetrucks.
Åbningstider og adresse
Poulsen Trucks & Trailers ApS har åbent mandag til torsdag fra kl. 08.00 - 17.00, fredag fra kl.08.00 - 15.30, og lørdag og søndag efter aftale.
Semi trailer
Used semi trailers for sale
A semi trailer can make your work day easier and not least more efficient. A semi trailer can be used extensively and can carry various goods, components, materials or something completely different from one place to another. On Tachines.com you find used semi trailers for sale and you may find your new trailer for exactly the purpose you need. Here at Tachines.com there are a steady incoming stream of semi trailers for sale, and none of them are the same. That's why keeping track of when the right used semi trailer for you is on sale so you can grab it. There is a great difference between what the different used semi trailers can be used for due to their huge variety of different specifics. Some have a lift while others have ramps that can make it easy for you to transport vehicles or mount materials or tow the semi trailer.
Trailers for sale in many forms
At Tachines.com we have many different types of semi trailers for sale. It is not only semi trailers that are exclusively intended for freight of materials. Here you can find a sea of used semi trailers just waiting to be sold and get a new owner. At Tachines.com we have everything from cartridges to animal transport and all the way to completely common semi trailers for trucks. Whatever you need to transport on a semi trailer, you can most likely find semi trailers for sale at Tachines.com . If you cannot find what you are missing right now then it is worth keeping an eye on the page where used semi trailers are continuously put up for sale. Perhaps the next semi trailer is exactly the type you are lacking.
Sort by your needs after used semi trailers
When you are looking for used trailers on Tachines.com it is quick and easy to find those who fit your needs. You can easy and quick do a search on the website where you choose exactly the type of semi trailer you are looking for. You can for example sort out with your search on how many axles they used semi trailers must have before they are of interest to you. You are thereby not presented to semi trailers that do not have a relevance to your search. Once you have found the semi trailer that best suits your requirements it is easy for you to find out who to contact to get more information about the semi trailer or possibly make an agreement for a deal.
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