Lastas Trucks Danmark A/S

Energivej 35
8722 Hedensted

Phone.: +45… Show

Virksomheden Lastas Trucks Danmark A/S forhandler lastbiler og trailere i både Danmark og i resten af Skandinavien. Virksomheden har altid mere end 500 køretøjer på lager, og kan derfor klare hurtig levering til hver en tid, også hvis der er tale om en akut sag.


Lastas A/S består af ca. 100 engagerede medarbejdere, fordelt over to afdelinger. Hovedafdelingen som ligger i Hedensted og en mindre afdeling der ligger i Toftlund. Lastas lover højt service niveau, høj kvalitet, positivitet, konkurrencedygtige priser, og sidst, men ikke mindst, levering til tiden. Der findes serviceværksteder i begge afdelinger, og hvis det brænder på, tilbydes der også døgnservice.


Hos Lastas skræddersyr de trailere efter kundernes ønsker. Dette sker på deres egne værksteder, med egne in-house ingeniører. Derudover forhandler de også DAF lastbiler, MAX special udtrækstrailere, og Lamberet glasfiberkasser, som de sidste 40 år, er blevet solgt over hele Europa. Virksomheden opkøber og sælger også brugte køretøjer.


Adresse og åbningstider
Åbningstiderne er mandag til fredag kl. 8.00 – 18.30, lørdag kl. 9.00 – 16.00.
Søndage og helligdage er der åbent efter forudgående aftale med Lastas A/S.



Used cranes for sale

Cranes can be used for a variety of purposes. They can be used for, among other things, the construction site and construction industry, organization of various events, warehouses and logistics, security and many other industries. Used cranes are also available in different sizes, varying strength and with different functions. Whether you are looking for a complete crane or just used crane equipment or spare parts, you have landed on the correct website. Here on you will find cranes for sale for both company and private use and you will find them at the market's best prices.


Industrial cranes

Cranes are used in a variety of industries. The construction and engineering industry is dependent on quality cranes with the best functions. These cranes are for sale here on the website. Cranes can also be useful in stock and logistics, where height plays a crucial role. People who work with security often need cranes. Within the music / performance industry, they are often used to stage construction and they can also be central to light and sound. Used cranes are multifunctional and can therefore be used in these industries for a variety of purposes.


There may also be situations where you are looking for a crane for sale for private use. In these cases, a less used crane may be just what you are looking for. Here on the site you can find both large and small cranes that can cater for all needs - whether it is for business or private use.


Various functions for different purposes

Used cranes have different features and it is important that you tailor your needs before you go into a crane purchase. Should the crane be able to lift extremely heavy objects? Or easily lift people to different heights? How much height should the crane be able to cover? How are you going to transport the crane around? Are there any restrictions on how big the crane base should be? All these questions - and more - should be carefully reviewed before choosing your next used crane. have cranes for sale and we can help you safely and conveniently throughout the decision process.



Professional advice have extensive experience in the sale of cranes and if you need advice for cranes with a specific purpose, please contact us. We can help you with all the questions that can occur so you are sure you will find the right solution. Our many years of experience in the market allows you to feel comfortable with our service. Come in contact with us and you are one step closer to the perfect crane solution.

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