Lastas Trucks Danmark A/S
Energivej 35
8722 Hedensted
Phone.: +45… Show
Virksomheden Lastas Trucks Danmark A/S forhandler lastbiler og trailere i både Danmark og i resten af Skandinavien. Virksomheden har altid mere end 500 køretøjer på lager, og kan derfor klare hurtig levering til hver en tid, også hvis der er tale om en akut sag.
Lastas A/S består af ca. 100 engagerede medarbejdere, fordelt over to afdelinger. Hovedafdelingen som ligger i Hedensted og en mindre afdeling der ligger i Toftlund. Lastas lover højt service niveau, høj kvalitet, positivitet, konkurrencedygtige priser, og sidst, men ikke mindst, levering til tiden. Der findes serviceværksteder i begge afdelinger, og hvis det brænder på, tilbydes der også døgnservice.
Hos Lastas skræddersyr de trailere efter kundernes ønsker. Dette sker på deres egne værksteder, med egne in-house ingeniører. Derudover forhandler de også DAF lastbiler, MAX special udtrækstrailere, og Lamberet glasfiberkasser, som de sidste 40 år, er blevet solgt over hele Europa. Virksomheden opkøber og sælger også brugte køretøjer.
Adresse og åbningstider
Åbningstiderne er mandag til fredag kl. 8.00 – 18.30, lørdag kl. 9.00 – 16.00.
Søndage og helligdage er der åbent efter forudgående aftale med Lastas A/S.
Find used trailers that suit you perfectly
Standing still and missing a trailer? On, we give you a good overview of which trailers are currently up for sale. Here you will find second hand trailers from all over the world and you can get them to a good price at the same time. Does that sound like something for you? In that case, read the text below, where we give you more information on how to find the trailer you or your business is lacking.
Specify your search and save time works just like other buying and sales portals, where you can specify your search so you only get sales items that suit your criterias. On our site, you can quickly and easily ensure that you are only presented to trailers that fit your budget, have the desired brand, right axles and so on. This should be the first thing you do when you start your search. This way, you save time and you do not have to browse through hundreds of trailers that you are not interested in because they do not meet your requirements.
Check out the information on the trailer - and contact the seller
When you found the trailer(s) that interests you maybe you want to check if all the information is like it should be. On you will find all the information you need when it comes to the number of miles, of vintage, structural information, the size of the cargo space and much more. In some cases, you will also be able to see a fixed price on the trailer, while you usually have to call the dealer personally and arrange an agreement. Then you can also get more information about the trailer if you need to know anything more. This guarantees you the best and safest purchase that you will not regret.
You save money buying second hand
You may wish mostly for a trailer that has not rolled a mile earlier in mint condition. Here it is important to remember that there is a lot of money to save by buying second hand instead. Through you can find used trailers that are in the best possible condition because you get so much detailed information and at the same time the opportunity to contact the seller directly. In the end, you may end up with a trailer that is just as good as new - or at least meets all your expectations.